Monday, October 15, 2018


Inside a beautiful body ,a brilliant life could bear a nefarious mind ,this would be best bounced by seeing the serial rapes and murders in California between 1974 to 1986 ,the whole USA was shocked by the streak of rape and murders by an anonymous killer notoriously  known as the' original night 'stalker or the 'east area rapist'.In the mean time he killed 13 people and raped more than 50 women .His method of crime followed a strict regular pattern,before committing any atrocity he recon the place where he would suppose to percolate the dereliction or crime .The victims who fortunately survived revealed they had seen the night stalker before the episode of crime .East Area Rapist generally stalk the women who generally lived in a one story flat or house or the females who lived near the places where escaping after his delinquency would be easy and accessible .Generally his culprits were the women who lived alone but he liked to despoliation when the female was with her spouse in the house.He break through the windows and kept with him the handgun to awed them,if the couples were sleeping he woke them and on the point of gun forced the female to tie up her spouse or partner .After that he took the female to the other room ,generally the living room and raped her for almost several hours .He then searched the house queer and silently and even performed the larceny .He generally rape the women and did the heist and fled but his first murder occurred at February 2nd,1978 when a married couple walking their dog Ranch Cordova area,when they confronted ,he point his gun towards them but they somehow manage to fled but he chased them and shot dead the young couple .On 3rd May 1986 ,Janelle Cruz's was alone in her house as her parents was going to out of station ,she was accompanied by her former boyfriend till the few hours and during this time they heard few terrifying noises as someone also in the house besides both of them but a while later when she was sure no third person in the house ,her friend left ho his home after a while .When Cruz's former boyfriend had gone she realised ,that was her biggest mistake to lethim go as substantial there was someone stalking to her and he was nobody but the Original Night Stalker ,later Investigation showed before murdered she was beaten by him,raped and then brutally murdered .Cruz was the last victim of East Area Rapist and then it was stopped cardinally as the Original Night Stalker vanished in time .But after 32 years of silence abomination,Original Night Stalker as captured according tothe chain of events and the latest scientific technologies .His name is Joseph JamesDe Angello who was a former Police Officer.
After these so many years of morbid sloth and the 32 years of long stillness in the silent water,the time again proved ,though eventually the justice  were done and so many lives who been mutilated and turmoils by him finally found peace.


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