Tuesday, October 9, 2018


John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the 35th President of USA .He was born in May 29,1917 in Brooklyn,USA.He was the man of fun and boisterous and was the main reason he was one of the convivial and famous President in the history of the America .He was also highlighted due to his Don Juan image among the people and the media ,he been have the affairs with many women including Dennish journalist Inga Arvad and the actress Gene Tierney and many a more women .His famous affair with the Hollywood actress Marilyn Monroe was became the notorious gospel and paved his lothario image enduringly. At may 19th,1962 at a fundraiser at the Madison Square Garden ,Monroe had met Kennedy and the moment they were paramour with each other.Famous writer Donald Spoto in his book Marilyn Monroe :The Biography revealed that Kennedy and Monroe had the coitus or sexual act during a party of Bing Crosby's at Palm Spring .Monroe told him that that was the only time she had sex with Kennedy in Spring.But despite of his scandals and affairs he remain a eminent personality due to his leadership quality.
November 22.1963 a tragedy has convulse the whole political outline.John F.Kennedy was assassinate in Dallas ,Texas  by Lee Harvey Oswald who was a marxist and after discharge from his service abandon to Russia but in 1962 ,he came back with his Russian wife but bythe time he was a immense follower of communism.The forever combat between the capitalist and communist belief and ideology probably became the foremost reason of Kennedy's death .Oswald was died in the prison in 1967 .But the great loss of a leader and mentor to the world politics been annihilate and the world could had been a much more sober and better place if Kennedy had lived a life which he  surely deserved With the bounteous glory comes the augmented contingency.


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