Wednesday, October 17, 2018



Anita Cobey was not just a marvellous lady who was in the profession to saved life but also the dream of many a masculine hearts in Australia,she was a nurse in the Sydney Hospital and an ex-pageant holder of the country.After her work she used to pick the train from the central railway station to the Blacktown where she lived with her family.On Febrauary 2nd,1986 .She was free upto 3PM ,that day was not like the customarily day like the others.After finishing her hours in the Hospital ,she had the diner with her two cohorts New South Wales .There diner resort finished before the 10 PM and after that she went for her home alone.But that obscure not never ended for her family as she never reached to her home.Her family members thought she probably would staying the nights with some of her friends but the next morning when she hadn't came for home ,their poised hearts become naive ,with the passing time there was no hint and clue of the Anita Cobey ,the surge hope her family and friends sunken with every hour.They finally report to the Police Station but it was of no use as after two days of her ebbing & disappearance ,her dead body found in the Prospect which was an environs or the countryside .But the most shocking event was that before murdered she was raped not by just one person but via a bunch of people .These brutal murder and gang-raped episode shook and horrified the whole Australia.Later investigation proved Cobey after having the dinner with her hospital mates ,picked the train and reached to the blacktown railway station and from that she was walking alone to her house ,being the 10 PM of the night the road was a bit silent.Suddenly
a vehicle came from somewhere and the two men from the vehicle dragged her inside it.She was repeatedly implore and begging for to emancipate and liberate but each her crying request made them even more brute and maniac,they forced her to oral sex and then after they all raped her in the moving vehicle .And after that when done ,they killed her ,by slit her throat almost decapitate her.The Police later arrested five suspect which eventually were the rapist and murderer of the Anita Cobey.They all sentenced to the life imprisonment without the possibility of parole in June ,1986.
The heinous and shamefull crime with Anita Cobey reflects the demons and monsters are exist just not only the evil sagas but in reality .If human race would known by such kind,then it will be really a shamefull to called as human being.


When a life falls to such an extent when its hard to ascertain between a devil and a human,then its really hard to place ourselves in the human race .The same happened between the year 1988-1989 by the human blood wino Tsutomu Miyazaki who was also known as the little girl murderer .
On 22 August ,1988,he perpetually staring to a 4 years old girl Mari Konno,he stared her a while and when she was totally alone he reached to her and abducted in his vehicle,she was a gift for her as that was his birthday.He took the vehicle beneath a bridge and stopped his Nissan Langley,he then looked the little girl for several minutes and what he had done is abominable ,he killed the four years old Mari konno and the most shocking calamity is that he was a necrophilic,that beast then performed with sexual activities and raped her.He threw her dead body near his own house . On June 1989,Miyasakiconviced 5 years old girl Ayako Nomato to came into his car .As she entered he killed her relentlessly and then took her corpse to his apartment and then next 2 remorselessly days the demon had involved with her dead body in various heinous sexual acts .he performed all his crime atrociously ,he killed the girls ,sometimes drunk their blood and ate their body parts .Not even that his ferociously bounced by the truth he kept the dead girls body parts in his house as to pleased himself as a winner;s award .He then send the post cards to the dead girl's family and explained how they died.His fetish had no boundaries ,on July 23,1989,he saw a girl and took his camera and came near her and tried to took with the zoom lens the pictures of her private ,suddenly the girl's father arrived and some how Miyazaki managed to escaped but after several hours when there was silent everywhere he came back for his car,suddenly Police came from the vicinity and arrested him,the Police was called by the girl's father whom he tried to took the pictures.He was arrested and went through a 19 years long trial and finally for his fiercely crimes 'the minister of justice'
gave the death sentence on 2008.He died for the crimes where even death seemed to be merciful.

Monday, October 15, 2018


Inside a beautiful body ,a brilliant life could bear a nefarious mind ,this would be best bounced by seeing the serial rapes and murders in California between 1974 to 1986 ,the whole USA was shocked by the streak of rape and murders by an anonymous killer notoriously  known as the' original night 'stalker or the 'east area rapist'.In the mean time he killed 13 people and raped more than 50 women .His method of crime followed a strict regular pattern,before committing any atrocity he recon the place where he would suppose to percolate the dereliction or crime .The victims who fortunately survived revealed they had seen the night stalker before the episode of crime .East Area Rapist generally stalk the women who generally lived in a one story flat or house or the females who lived near the places where escaping after his delinquency would be easy and accessible .Generally his culprits were the women who lived alone but he liked to despoliation when the female was with her spouse in the house.He break through the windows and kept with him the handgun to awed them,if the couples were sleeping he woke them and on the point of gun forced the female to tie up her spouse or partner .After that he took the female to the other room ,generally the living room and raped her for almost several hours .He then searched the house queer and silently and even performed the larceny .He generally rape the women and did the heist and fled but his first murder occurred at February 2nd,1978 when a married couple walking their dog Ranch Cordova area,when they confronted ,he point his gun towards them but they somehow manage to fled but he chased them and shot dead the young couple .On 3rd May 1986 ,Janelle Cruz's was alone in her house as her parents was going to out of station ,she was accompanied by her former boyfriend till the few hours and during this time they heard few terrifying noises as someone also in the house besides both of them but a while later when she was sure no third person in the house ,her friend left ho his home after a while .When Cruz's former boyfriend had gone she realised ,that was her biggest mistake to lethim go as substantial there was someone stalking to her and he was nobody but the Original Night Stalker ,later Investigation showed before murdered she was beaten by him,raped and then brutally murdered .Cruz was the last victim of East Area Rapist and then it was stopped cardinally as the Original Night Stalker vanished in time .But after 32 years of silence abomination,Original Night Stalker as captured according tothe chain of events and the latest scientific technologies .His name is Joseph JamesDe Angello who was a former Police Officer.
After these so many years of morbid sloth and the 32 years of long stillness in the silent water,the time again proved ,though eventually the justice  were done and so many lives who been mutilated and turmoils by him finally found peace.


Sometimes the fallacious goes so rogue that even after a while it will feel shame and indiscretion to its transgression.The crime and brute murders of Bever brothers is hard to vision and more harder to deem .The abomination of these two brothers was removed the word atonement from the dictionary of their life.The two monsters killed and murdered their own family including a kid sibling that is uncouth even for a devil to believe.In the horrifying  darkness of July ,2015,these two brothers Robert Bever and Michael Bever went the place where they stored their numbers of knife and hatchet which they hoarded from some time .Mean while the local Police received a disturbing call from the 12 years old Daniel,he told them, their family was under attacked and butchered ,suddenly the call ended .Immediately police came into action and reach the address .When they arrived there was silent every where like the bloody storm sabotage the whole lives hidden silently in the darkness .Police as entered the house they were shocked.There was no chaos and anarchy there except the silent blood and five brutally murdered dead bodies .Suddenly they heard a voice ,looked like some one was still in the house but as soon they entered the room they endowed a severe injured Crystal Bever, she was provided with the immediate medical aid,besides Crystal Bever and the five carcass ,Police also found a 2 years old child Autumn Bever ,she was scared and terrifying hidden somewhere in the house.What was told to Police via Crystal Bever was shocking and shameful .She told them,in some mania and fetish there brothers Robert Bever and Michael Bever stabbed their own family,father David(52) ,mother April(44) ,siblings-Daniel(12),Christopher(7) and Victoria(5) ,they were in such a dementia that they stabbed almost 100 times to their family as same number of wounds found on their body later ,she itself was seriously stabbed and injured but some how she survived. This notorious and shameful abomination shocked the whole town .Police dogs done a stupendous work ,they followed the scent of the Bever brothers to the wooden area behind their house and were arrested by the Police.With months of trial and debate from both side's attorney ,the Bever brothers were sentenced to the life imprisonment without the possibility of the parole.the incident had happened in Oklahama.A shame and non-amendable sin for the humanity ,the massacre by Bever brothers.

Friday, October 12, 2018



The human always invariably advert all the heinous crime as beastly or like the animals but the figures reflects human race is the biggest demon and common enemy from the own mankind .Numerous hellion murders,rape,atrocity bounce in the name of abomination Human Beings are light years ahead to any of the species and creature of the universe .The rape and the erinyes murder of a six year old girl in Gwalior ,Madhya Pradesh ,demonstrated how low a human soul could fall just for the sake of the momentary pleasure .The girl was came with her family to a wedding compass and after the celebration in the night ,all her family members were tired enough went to sleep along with the victim .In the night she woke up as she fumble thirst ,what had happened further was recorded in a CCTV camera.In the footage ,she was walking with a man, after enticing for the ice-cream ,but after a while she seemed to felt aghast as in the camera she appeared to run away from that man at a point but again a while ago she turned towards him and reached out of the CCTV range.The subsequent time changed to the pandemonium .A while later when she won't return,her family members turned apprehensive.they begun to searched for her.the humanity falls to a dissolute morning the dead body of the girl found near the bushes .She was muffle to death and the most accursed scripture is that she was raped by a demon before she was throttle.Even her face was disfigured by the culprit .In the next day ,23rd June 2018,the offender was arrested by the local Police.The transgressor was a flavor crushed ice vendor,the police had told he was not invited to the wedding and as soon he got the chance allured the girl and took with her,all the clipping was recorded on the camera.He finally confessed his crime .The trial is undergoing on the matter.

Thursday, October 11, 2018


Katherine Knight was an attractive woman with the desire and craving like the other women.She had a beautiful life in Australia ,a boyfriends,kids and a house what else she would had needed more.It was the night of the October 2001 night she was preparing the dinner .The children were craving with and wait with profound appetite .A while later she brought the brought the cooked brawn ,the children had eat hearty. The strange thing happened from after that dinner,her boyfriend JohnCharles Thomos Price was missing from that night .
Katherine Knight girlhood wrapped with glitch and sexual abuse.She was molested and sexually desecration by her mother's various sexual partners.When she raised an exclamation against this assault ,her mother told her to follow 'their' instructions .She was grown with this paradox and may be her cimmerian juvenility caused the what monster she had become as an adult.
The later investigation on the sudden missing of Price revealed some caliginous side of what a human could do even beyond the imagination of a demon .That night Katherine brutally butchered the Thomos Price ,the love of her life ,she hadn't stopped there ,she then decollate and cut his head from his body and cooked with the usual spices and salt like she cooked pork and chicken.And to worse of that after killing him,she ferally peeled out his skin from his body .This abyssal slaughter probably showed how much she relish to kill him.From the moment she fall from the human species and become a vicious cannibal. The judicial verdict found her guilty and sentenced her a life imprisonment. 
She was the first Australian woman sentenced to the life ,a shame on the human race and above of all a life long disgrace on those hearts who pound in love for the eachothers.


When in 1972 the first cannibal movie was released "Man from the deep river" by Umberto Lenzi who would had thought impending the fictional movie faced on to the  brute reality.In 1978,the whole USA was splinter with the serial rape and murder real episodes .But unlikely the other occurance,this time the victims were men .And the most vivid and astounding fact is that they were not just raped and murdered but also eaten by the convict .People still thought it was the scabbard of
necrophilia(a disorder where culprit performed the sexual intercourse with the dead body and eventually ruminate and eat the dead body ).This progression of lurid rape ,murder and cannibalism last till 1991 when the convict was arrested .His name was Jeffrey Dahmer ,the time he was arrested ,he was a thirty year old stud with a model look and the resplendent and stunning facer who could allured just not only to women but also the entity of the same gender and that was his biggest
modus operandi.He attracts the victims by his charm and brought to them his apartment ,it could be an anticipation they had intimate moments as the victims came to his place to their will .After he was done,he offered them plausibly some drink as before their death,forensic proved they were drugged .And as soon they lost their senses ,he just not killed them but he ruthlessly chopped them into pieces and cooked as he pleased and eat the percolate huamn flesh like an exotic cuisine .But his tenebrous crime did not last long as trailing this syndicate of murders,local Police finally found the culprit 'Jeffrey Damher' also known as "The Milwaukee Cannibal".After the events of trial and prosecution,he found  guilty of this long series of murder and he received 16 death sentenced as for his atramentous  crime .the single would not be enough .But the universe has its perplexing way to maintained the recompense ,the notorious Milwaukee Cannibal was murdered by the fellow inmates in the prison .


Dhananjoy Chatterjee was a below a mediocre man .He was a security guard at the Anand Apartments in Bhawanipur.He was the security at Anand Apartments for almost three years.In this years he been witnessed so many people come and go in this apartments,some people behaviour were good to him ,some were been eccentric don't care enough to talk to a security guard but still the life at the Anand Apartments were going just fine .But only once brutal crime just overturned the whole rundown.In 1987,a 14 years old Hetal Parekh's family moved to this apartment and the next three years,the symbiosis is as usual as before but on March5,1990 the whole Bhawanipur was commove with a tragic and the succubus crime.On the morning 7:30 am Hetal Parekh were going for her ICSE examination,like the other day she went the school,time was passing fast but for someone each and every moment without seeing the Hetal were tormented and persecute .But his his agony had vanished just when she was returning to the apartment from her school.She without noticing that someone was constant staring at her with covetousness gone to the apartment then to her flat .It was the spring afternoon,the atmosphere was still chilling as it was just the beginning of the springs and the beginning of the fiendish abomination .The most loudest sin has the minimum sound .Hetal was with her mother and the two were alone but out of that the worse came out .Hetal's mother had gone to a Temple in the proximity.Hetal Parekh who was just 14 year old teenage girl was alone in her apartment.Someone knocked the door,she in speculation ,her mother had revert from the Temple opened the door,the person standing was the door was not her mother.
After a duration of time Hetal's mother came back and when she knocked the door ,no one responded,she in astriction continously hitting the door but still no response from the other side.She in stifness called the house servants from adjacents flat and when they broke the door ,the contemplate of inside was horrified ,there was blood on the floor and Hetal was lying on the floor with the blood starins on her face.The whole espy of the flat shows a barbaric and heinous atrocity.Hetal was brutally murdered .the doctors had arrived ,they declared her death .Police had arrived .Everyone was in trepidation who could do such an uncouth crime with  just a 14 years old girl.The Police tried to pursue and clue or hint which could traced the murdered. Dhananjoy Chatterjee was missing ,he had not came to for his duty to the next day ,the Police got their prime suspect as Dhananjoy Chatterjee as he was absconding from his duty and the city.
Eventually police arrested him on 12th May from his village Kuludihi  ,West Bengal .The later investigation was more shocking and outlandish ,the later report showed she was raped as well by the convict Dhananjoy Chatterjee.An article in newspaper or magazine wrote that when Dhanajoy knocked the door at the 5th May and as Hetal opened the door ,he immediately came inside ,closed the door and hit her to a wall and when she was bleeding from the head and waa in semi-consiousness state ,that goblin raped her .This was beyond imagination to everyone ,a wave of fury and rage shook the nation .Even the Supreme Court Of India considered this as the rare of the rarest case and sentenced him nothing but less than the death.Though Dhananjoy had plead to the Hon'ble President for mercy but after such a brute crime that was beyond any peek.
on 25 june 2004 he was hanged to death for his archfiend crime.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018


Acceptance and rejection are the radical form of human decorum.It is the subjective predisposition that everyone like acceptance and hated the rejection but both are the part and parcel of the preposterous and rational thought of the life and that is how the life runs.The mass massacre in Isla Vista ,California in 2014 is the pensiveness of such a condition of human brain where seven people died and six were murdered just because a person can't endure the penchant of rejection .The night was wrapping an excerpt of coldness,after a mild hot day this temperature soothe the surroundings.A sorority house in Isla Vista was going to its night routine,some students were dining ,some were watching TV and playing indoor games in the common room ,some were studying and preparing their projects and homework while some were having other sorts of fun.In a moment later their whole life were gonna be shattered,there was the loud noise everywhere in the sorority house,the girls were screaming and springing to find a safe place.A boy with holding handguns, sharp knives just shot the three sorority girls stood outside,out of them two were dead.That boy was just 22 year old Elliot Rodger ,after killing two sorority girls and injured the third ,he drove towards a market near by,the sparkle and shining of the market turned into bloodshed when he shot randomly a student which was died due to the immense stroke of the handgun.Then he moved towards the Isla Vista shooting and firing on several pedestrian and hitting several of them by his car,in this staggering attack several people were injured .When Police got the erudition ,there patrolling vehicle chasing the Elliot's car ,in response he shoot some bullets towards the Police vehicle ,this hide and seek ended when his car was smashed to some vehicle that was parked there,before the Police arrived he took out his gun and shot himself  ,Police found him dead .Later investigation revealed before performing this carnage he had killed three lives in his apartment .
Elliot Rodger was just an ordinary boy and that would has become the biggest reason for his death.Before his death ,he uploaded a video on YouTube titled -Rodger Elliot's Retribution,in which he clearly mention the reason for this genocide.He told that he had totally bereaved and emotionally broken by the rejection of the girls and the society .The collated impact of the several rejections made him for such an barbaric antiphon.
Life is full of melodrama and atrocious events but a little sweetness in talk and behavior could have been saved people from such accidents.


One of the uncouth and barbaric murder incident happened  near Willunga, Australia.It was the fierce and barbarous night of '71.The people in the house was celebrating the Father's day diner .The Bartholomew's wife and his sister-in-law with her children enjoying the exhilaration of the party and the moment .Bartholomew's had though left his wife as he had the skepticism that his wife had a sexual relation with a Vietnam's soldier ,he was totally preoccupied this though his wife is cheating on him .This thought filled him with the perplexity day by day and when he couldn't hold enough ,leaved the house .
Midnight clock had just strike at 1am ,the night at its mayhem ,the trees and the greenery make the night more mellow and docile .The profound silence out the farmhouse manifest some evil would had to be happen . Suddenly the devil himself entered that remote farmhouse near Willunga .Bartholomew as entered with his two rifles ,he hit his wife and without thinking the bond they shared for such a long years ,then he shot him with his rifle,the bullet had brutally finished an innocent life .This barbaric action filled him enigma and blood rush ,he got insane and lunatic and he started shooting every human soul present there ,the anarchy and barbarism is concealed the whole house,the small children were  crying and pleading for mercy and help but the demon had no commiseration for them .He was killing everyone whomed his eyes catch in its glimpse .When he massacred all,sat and had a beer,this showed he was feeling conciliation beneath his heart.Suddenly he realised ,he had left a person alive,he put his gun and move towards a room,in that room his18 months old nephew was sleeping without any awareness of carnage which killed all his blood relatives .Bartholomew's had become the face of the Satan and without thinking that child was just eighteen months old,he shot him and it has needed no illustration what would happened to a kid who was shot brutally by a rifle.
But he was calm and felt redeemed .After what he had done also was an appalling ,he drunk the coffee.Then he went to a local doctor ,not for his checkup or for some medical aid but to confessed his heinous crime.The doctor called the Police which took him in the custody.
Bartholomew was sentenced to death but surprisingly later it changes to the life imprisonment .
And the most nauseating event happened when he was released only after eight years of imprisonment .For those women and children who was ferociously massacred by a maniac the life was transgressing but now the judicial system also prejudice on the deaths of several innocent life.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018


Jessica Lal was a stunning and ambitious girl who by profession was a model and worked in an  unlicensed bar at the Tamarind Court Restaurant .Been a model she had a bit of luminary image in the bar.At the night of 30th of April, 1999 ,she was at the restaurant as a bartender .Around 12:30 AM  Siddhartha Vashisht alias Manu Sharma came with his three friends in the bar and reached to the counter.There was Jessica Lal finalising the routine pack up as the liquor was out of stock due to over crowding .Suddenly Manu Sharma arrived and told Jessica Lal to serve liquoar but as that was out of stock ,she refused to did so.Manu Sharma being a rich brat ,son of a politician Venod Sharma who  at the time was a minister in Haryana Cabinet .This refusal from Jessica Lal hurt his ego and audacity specially in front of his friends.He took out the .22 caliber pistol and pointed towards her and coerce her one more time to served the liquoar and to threatened her he fired a bullet to the ceiling fan but she encore and denied him to served any liquoar. In the rage and moment Manu Sharma fired the second bullet which directly hit the Jessica's head and she was dead instantly.There siad that the owner of the bar Bina Ramani ordered to clean the blood on the premises and the other evidence as well.Manu Sharma finally arrested on May 6th,1999.Charge sheet was filed on 3rd of August ,1999 and he was accused of murder,destruction of evidence etc.It lasted almost seven years ,in 2006 21st february Sharma was declared non-guilty and set free .But due to the rage and extravagant chaos in the media and public ,the case was reopen and the Delhi Police filed the petition to the Delhi High Court .On March 22,2006 the court had summoned and released the warrant against Manu Sharma and all the other accused,the trial gone for 9 months and finally Jessica Sharma found justice,Manu Sharma was convicted guilty to life imprisonment and fine.
It took seven long years to seek the justice for a girl whose only fault is that she stood with her esteem and pride against the regular rich brats of high class.